
Hypnosis audio to help you regain inner peace and joy after the loss of a loved one

Click play below or you can download to your computer or phone.  Use head-phones for the Best Possible Results.  Please bookmark this page so you can come back to it again.

Regain inner peace by connecting with your feelings of love after the loss of a loved one.  Transform grief into love that lasts forever.

After the Loss of a Loved One

Download the mp3 here 

Desde una Perdida

Descarga el mp3 aqui 


Evie P. Kane (licensed psychotherapist)

Thank you for this fabulous meditation. I ended up feeling peaceful and energized the whole rest of the day! I think it willl be an extremely helpful gift for all your clients to deal with the holiday blues. And, again, thanks for your generosity of spirit and for being such a wonderful person!