
LifeChanger Success Program

Session 2 Power Boost 💥

Here’s your Power Boost for session 2.


Last week's session

Download last week’s recorded session (sent by we-transfer to your email address) as soon as possible.  The link is only active for one week.  After that, we’ll have to resend, so please download each session as soon as you can.  You may feel no need to re-watch the video now but, when the program is finished, it’s important to be reminded of the principles from time to time.

There will be the option to move on with me into other coaching products, but if you feel you have enough support and accountability then another option is to repeat the program using the video recordings.  We’ll send the recording of session two soon (again the link will only be active for 1 week).


Edit your visions for the future

Edit your visions.  I recommend doing one vision per day. 

Rewrite the vision you’re working on so it fulfills Paul Scheele’s rules for a well-formed goal. i.e. it…
1) is stated in the positive
2) is within your control
3) preserves the positives of the present situation
4) is measurable and testable (and, where possible, specific)
5) is worthwhile
+Mary Morrisey –  has some benefit for others

Then, get into a relaxed state and imagine that an appropriate time period has passed.  Everything went perfectly and you have realized your vision. 
How does it feel?  Is it perfect or does it need tweaking? 
When it feels perfect, notice exactly how you feel.
Try to maintain the feeling as you come back to the current time.
Let yourself enjoy it for a while. 
Then, revise the written goal, if needed, to include any added insights.


LifeChanger app

Log into your LifeChanger app and, in the “Favorites” view, go to the third list along and fill in the description field for your completed visions.



Look through your personal pictures, or on image websites (some of these are listed in the fourth list in the Favorites view) for images that represent your vision or something that makes you have a similar feeling to the one you’ll feel when you have achieved it.  You could even get someone to take a photo of you doing/being/having that fulfilled vision.


Have fun doing this.  Don’t worry if you don’t get through every vision this week if you think you will have more time next week, but try to complete at least two of them.

Begin your journey with Lifechanger

Choose the platform you want to start with. Don’t worry, you can use Lifechanger on all of them!