
LifeChanger Success Program

Session 4 Power Boost 💥

The importance of ACTION. Particularly inspired action.

Quotes of the week:

Goethe: Whatever you think you can do, or believe you can do, begin it.  For, action has magic, power, and grace.
Henry David Thoreau: As I advance confidently in the direction of my dream, and endeavor to live  (note present tense) the life which I have imagined, I will meet with a success, unexpected in common hours.  I will put some things behind me.  I will pass an invisible boundary.  New universal and more liberal laws will begin to establish themselves around and within me, or the old laws will be expanded and interpreted in my favor in a more liberal sense, and I now live with the license of a higher order of Beings. 

And here’s your Homeplay:


Drink water

Continue to drink a glass of water on wakening


Get up

Continue to get up at the same time each day


Time machine

For each of your visions for the future (one per day or, if they seem to overlap, you can do 2 together)
Get into state using:  3 relax body, 2 relax mind, 1 picture a flower.
Then, do the time machine to go to the future when your vision is fulfilled.
Feel what it feels like.  Get used to being this person.
Look back to see what had to happen to let this be reality now.
Write down these milestones.



Brainstorm (best on paper) the actions you can take to take you in the direction of your milestones and your vision.


Action steps

Type these action steps into the LifeChanger app.  If you can manage to open a quadrant to do this, great.  If not, just put it into your TODO list. 



Schedule – WHEN will you do this – especially for those items in the important and set a notification to remind you.

Recognize each positive thing that happens in your life and think “More like that, please.”

Celebrate with your community – go to the Facebook group and post about something you did this week that’s taking you toward your life’s vision.

When you start to take action, your operating system will throw up all sorts of reasons why you can’t.

Expect this to happen and don’t panic when it does.  This is a good thing.  This is your old operating system revealing itself to you.  Just note down the limiting thoughts and beliefs that come to mind “notice what you are noticing” and write them down.  These are the beliefs that we will be working on next week.

Have fun

Begin your journey with Lifechanger

Choose the platform you want to start with. Don’t worry, you can use Lifechanger on all of them!