
Discover your True Aspirations

True transformation is achieved only when you have a clear vision of the future you want to create, believe it is possible and address the obstacles and limiting beliefs that have prevented you from reaching your ideal life already.

Watch the video below to see Dr. Lockwood introducing a proven, reliable system for creating a clear vision of your perfect future and then taking inspired action to make it come true.


A message from Dr Lockwood

“I believe that each of us has unique gifts and talents and are destined to become extraordinary. However, following our own unique path requires courage and commitment and most of us are talked out of our destiny by the well-meaning people around us, or by our own inner warning systems, designed to keep us safe by preventing change. 

I help people to move past their fears and limiting beliefs so they can confidently set out on their own unique paths to becoming the extraordinary beings they always felt they were meant to be.”

Extraordinary is Achievable

Use The 'Discover your True Aspirations' coaching session to improve the trajectory of your life in the fields of:

  • Your Health and Well-being
  • Your Satisfaction
  • Your Wealth
  • Your Freedom
  • Your Relationships
  • Your Health and well-being
  • Your Satisfaction
  • Your Wealth
  • Your Freedom
  • Your Relationships
  • Your Career or vocation
  • Your Family
  • Your Personal Growth
  • Your Spiritual Growth
  • Your Impact on the world
  • Your Career or Vocation
  • Your Family
  • Your Personal Growth
  • Your Spiritual Growth
  • Your Impact on the World

Discover your true aspirations

Are you even a little confused about how you want your life to be?  Let’s face it, if not, it would already be perfect. Is it?

Did you know, you can get to the future you desire many times faster by gaining clarity on your desires and aspirations with a coach? 

Opportunities abound. They’re already there, but often we don’t see them unless we’re open to them. What is the lack of a clear vision costing you and your loved ones?

If you understand the importance of having a clear vision for your life, you can multiply your results by participating in my free one-on-one training session

Focus on the important things

The brain is always searching for information relevant to what you have been focusing your attention on

My story

“My name is Dr Deborah Lockwood and until recently I was a cardiologist in the United States. Now I’m a full-time transformational life-coach and speaker with a beautiful home overlooking the Mediterranean Sea in Spain. You might wonder how such a dramatic change occurred in my career, especially after the years of study and training it took to become a successful cardiologist. The truth is that I loved much of what I did, but one day I found myself wondering “isn’t there more to life than this?  Shouldn’t I be helping more people and making more of an impact on the world?”

I had studied self-development courses practically since childhood, but it had been a long time since I had made time in my busy schedule to do the number one thing that I had learned from experience and training was important for success.

To make a clear vision of my ideal future.

Once things became clear in my mind, it was quite miraculous how completely and how rapidly my external world started to change, in ways I hadn’t even thought of previously.”

The number-one strategy used by hugely successful people:
Create a clear vision of what you want

Discover YOUR true aspirations in a FREE one-on-one telephone coaching call and propel yourself towards a life you would love

"Discover your True Aspirations"

Accelerate your journey to your true desires with my one-on-one coaching.

This training usually costs $197 but, for a LIMITED TIME, you can get it here


A study showed that 80% of Americans spend more time planning a one-week vacation than they spend planning their lives, and those who are most successful are NOT in this group.

I have used my system to get clear on what I wanted many times and every time it has provided such amazing clarity that I am really excited to share it with you.

If you are even a little confused as to where your life is headed, you owe it to yourself to get access to the “Discover your True Aspirations” training.

Click on the blue YES button below for instant access to this life-altering training and say YES to a future you would love.

How this strategy has helped me

I got into Oxford University to study Medicine, when I was told that ‘No one gets into Oxford or Cambridge from THIS school’

I became a successful cardiologist when I was told ‘You have to be part of the old-boys network to be successful in this field’

I became associate professor at a prestigious university hospital in the US, despite having done my medical training overseas

I changed career and moved my family to another continent during the covid pandemic

All by being clear on what I really wanted, making the decision to go for it and ignoring those around me who said it couldn’t be done.

Such things are also possible for you.


Begin your journey with Lifechanger

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